About EPTS Foundation e.V.

The European Platform of Transport Sciences (formally the EPTS Foundation e.V.) is an independent association of organizations working in the field of transport sciences. Since its first meeting in 2001 in Vienna, the purpose of the EPTS Foundation is to enhance dialogue between politicians, policymakers, scientists and researchers in the field of European transport.

We accomplish this by organising scientific events, encouraging the exchange of results, opinions, and experiences, mounting joint PR efforts, promoting scientific research and continuing education and cooperating with other scientific institutions. We also support young scientists through the Young Forum of European Transport Sciences (YFE).

EPTS Foundation e.V. organizes the annual European Transport Congress, which is held in a different European country each year.

Past Topics and Locations of ETC

Mobility and Logistics Sectors in a Redefined Framework
22nd European Transport Congress, Warsaw, Poland, 2024

The strengthening the resilience of smart cities
21st European Transport Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 2023

After pandemic - before autonomous transport
20th European Transport Congress, Győr, Hungary, 2022

European Green Deal Challenges and Solutions for Mobility and Logistics in Cities
19th European Transport Congress, Maribor, Slovenia, 2021

Innovative Transport Systems in European Logistic Networks  - Chances for Non-Metropolitan Regions?
18th European Transport Congress, Rostock, Germany, 2020  

New Trends in Transport Systems
17th European Transport Congress, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2019  

Mobility and European Transport Space
16th European Transport Congress, Warsaw, Poland, 2018  

TEN-T Road Network Development – Experiences of the last 25 years
15th European Transport Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 2017  

Mobility 4.0 - Quo Vadis Europe?
14th European Transport Congress, Vienna, Austria, 2016  

Demand meeting supply
13th European Transport Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, 2015  

Mobility for a joint Europe
12th European Transport Congress, Brussels, Belgium, 2014  

Transport as a scientific discipline
11th European Transport Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 2013

The new ways in city and intercity transport
10th European Transport Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 2012

Competitive and sustainable transport - after crisis, what next?
9th European Transport Congress, Warsaw, Poland, 2011

Mobile Society - Safety and Security in Transport
8th European Transport Congress, Stuttgart, Germany, 2010

Mobility, Energy, Environment - Prospects and Visions
7th European Transport Congress, Berlin, Germany, 2008

Transport Safety and Security
6th European Transport Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 2007

Moving Towards Europe
5th European Transport Congress, Brno, Czech Republic, 2006

The Future of Mobility in Europe
4th European Transport Congress, Salzburg, Austria, 2005

The Development of Transport Links Between Northern and Southern Europe
3rd  European Transport Congress, Opatija, Croatia, 2004

Current Changes on the European Transport Market
2nd European Transport Congress, Szczecin, Poland, 2003

City Traffic
1st European Transport Congress, Berlin, Germany, 2002

Executive Board

Prof. Dr. Janos TOTH ~ toth.janos[at]kjk.bme.hu

Prof. Dr. Jon SHAW ~ jon.shaw[at]plymouth.ac.uk

Prof. Dr. Ueli HAEFELI ~ haefeli[at]interface-pol.ch

Additionally, the executive board also includes, as born members, the respective president or chairperson of the respective member organisation holding the next ETC (European Transport Congress)

the current president of the 23rd ETC in Paris, France, is Prof. Laurent GUIHERY ~ laurent.guihery[at]cyu.fr

as well as one person from the internal organisation for young future players YFE

the current co-chairs of YFE are
Konrad WEBER ~ konrad.weber[at]tu-berlin.de
Zsolt Bence HÖRCSIK ~ zhorcsik[at]global-rail-group.com

Secretary General

Every national member association of the EPTS Foundation e.V. is represented (on the operational level) by its managing director. The group of managing directors recommends the Secretary General to be appointed by the EPTS Foundation e.V. -Board.

The main functions of the Secretary General are:
  • stabilization and empowerment of exchange of ideas and communication between the member associations
  • encouragement and initiation of bilateral events of EPTS Foundation e.V. -member associations
  • preparation and realization of the European Transport Congress (ETC)
  • integration and development of the YFE
  • encouragement and initiation of joint projects of the EPTS Foundation e.V.
  • inauguration of the Friedrich-List-Award

Current Secretary General of the EPTS Foundation e.V.:

Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian BELZ, c/o econex verkehrsconsult gmbh, Bahnstraße 23, 42327 Wuppertal, Germany

PO.Box 110129, 42301 Wuppertal, Germany

Mail: belz[at]epts.eu

About YFE

The Young Forum of European Transport Sciences (YFE) was founded in 2003 in Budapest. The main objective of YFE is to support transport scientists under the age of 40 in their international studies, by establishing contacts with foreign scientists, institutions or companies, and by organizing field trips related to transport science.

The YFE is part of EPTS and is closely integrated into all of its administrative institutions and decisions. At every European Transport Congress, the YFE organizes both a general assembly of the YFE as well as a single conference session. The YFE is open to members from all European Countries.

European Friedrich List Award

Since 2004, The European Friedrich List Award is conferred annually by the YFE in the categories of "Best Thesis" and "Best Dissertation". To date, around 150 scientific works have been nominated and evaluated. The winners’ works are of outstanding scientific quality, reflecting the award’s high reputation and acceptance among experts.